CMIA’s Executive Director, Margaret-Ann Splawn, will deliver the Key Note and moderate the panel at this official UNFCCC side event

30th November 2018 by CMIA

CDM Executive Board side event at COP24/CMP14


 Title: Experience gained and lessons learned from the CDM

Description: The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) has registered more than 8,000 projects and programs in 111 countries, and has created a rich infrastructure of governance, rules, regulations and standards for assessing mitigation activities.

To capture the experience gained and lessons learned from the CDM, the side-event will draw from a diverse set of CDM stakeholders, ranging from project developers, financiers, academics, civil society, national authorities, verifiers, and others.

The event will also present and discuss the outcomes of the “CDM achievements report” which captures the successes of the CDM.

CMIA’s Executive Director, Margaret-Ann Splawn, will deliver the Key Note and moderate the panel at this official UNFCCC side event, which gives a unique opportunity to reflect on the broad range of experience gained and lessons learned over the 17 years of the CDM and discuss their continued relevance in the current evolving context. CMIA Board member, Alexis Leroy, will also be a panelist presenting on the perspective of project developers.

Time: Monday 03 December 2018, 15:00 – 16:30

Venue: Room ‘Bug’ – Pavilion G. Official UNFCCC Side Event Listing


  • Arthur Rolle: Chair of CDM Executive Board
  • Piotr Dobrowicki: Vice-Chair of the CDM Executive Board
  • Key Note & Moderator: Margaret-Ann Splawn, Executive Director at Climate Markets & Investment Association


  • Daniel Rossetto, CEO Climate Mundial – Achievements of the CDM
  • Sandra Greiner, Lead Consultant Climate Focus – The power of the CDM to mobilize the mitigation potential
  • Alexis Leroy, CEO Allcot – Lessons from project developers
  • Mandy Rambharos, Climate Change and Sustainability Manager Eskom – Lessons learned from a country perspective
  • Ricardo Esparta, Technical Director, EQAO – Lessons from Monitoring, Reporting and Verification