Navigating the ESG Risk Atlas

24th April 2019 by CMIA

S&P Global Ratings has created the ESG Risk Atlas to provide a view of relative environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risks we see around the world.

What is the ESG Risk Atlas?

The Atlas, which takes the form of an online infographic, reflects our observations about various ESG risks that different sectors and geographies face.

The Atlas comprises a Sector Risk and a Country Risk component. Sector Risk highlights the relative environmental and social exposures of a comprehensive range of business sectors. Country Risk considers corporate governance standards, regulations, and exposure to natural disasters in various countries or regions.

Leveraging our global reach, we have combined insights from our credit analysts located worldwide and from public assessments (such as those from the UN-supported Principles for Responsible Investment, World Bank, World Health Organization, and Transparency International) to develop our ESG risk profiles for each sector and region.
